Thursday, October 18, 2007

Thursday... Blah

Today's Thursday.. but, i've been too busy to write.. it's not friday.. so i'm not happy!! oh well.. same shit.. different day.. taking the iron horse today.. not thrilled.. i'll see if i get some inspiration later to write some more..

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Good Monring.. HUMP DAY!!

Well, it's Wednesday, October 17, 2007.. I haven't written in a week.. I've been too tired..

So anyway, I think I didn't write anything for the last week cuz I was too traumatized from the terrible day I had on Thursday evening..

It started out ok.. then in the late afternoon, it started to rain like cats and dogs.. or whatever other metaphor you can think of..

So Israel had a class to go to that day.. as every other Thursday for the last 6 weeks.. so I had the duty of picking up the Terror Squad from the afterschool program.. I had called Israel around 4 and told him that I was upset that I had to go pick up the kids in the rain and blah blah.. After making him feel guilty.. he left work early to pick me up and drive me home..

Then, I told him that my whole purpose of having him pick me up, was to pick up the kids from the program so that we don't have to walk in the rain.. but, being the retard he is.. he dropped me off at home instead and i had to go in the rain to pick up the kids..


So now that i got that outta the way, i'm back to regular posting.. with that being said... happy and SAFE humpday ;)

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Good Morning.. Thursday!!

Happy Thursday People!! It's only one more day til Friday! I can't wait! Well, today I have tons of work.. but, that is an ongoing thing.. I have to take the train after work today.. which I LOVE SOOOOO MUCH(for those who know me)!!

Didn't do much yesterday.. I spoke to one of my friends which I haven't spoken to in over a year. She has so much drama going on, but, i can definitely relate.. I always felt close to her because I knew that she and I had similar drama.. I'm glad that we reconnected and are speaking again.. she's like a ray of sun right now.. so i'm glad

I also spoke with my other friend.. He was talking about some drama that happened at his job.. I'm like, dude doesn't call me to see how I'm doing.. he doesn't call to hang out.. he only calls to talk about what is going on in HIS life.. wtf..

Anyway, off to start the work day.. and take some drugs.. I have a major headache going on... laters..

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Gooood Morrrningggg... HUMPDAY!!

Sooo it's Wednesday.. and it's gloomy and drizzling outside.. YUCKY!! Perfect day to stay in and sleep and eat some Chicken soup..

But, I'm the weakest link. I still have tons of work to do..

So what else is new.. Anyway, I almost had a nervous breakdown yesterday cuz of this fucking place.. I am so in the wrong profession.. I have been saying that forever.. but, still stuck.. I need to figure out a way to get to where I want to be.. and right now, it's not here.. the fucking people that I work with (and I don't mean my co-workers) are just fucking morons .. I can't be bothered with the bullshit.. I know that it's my job.. it's my responsibility to do it to the best of my ability.. but, I feel like no matter how hard I try, there is just no pleasing these people..

So, my solution.. go online and send out a shitload of resumes.. see what I can get.. I'm on the verge of quitting this job.. and I already see that it's going to be one of those days again today.. It's just too much for me to deal with right now.. maybe it's just me pmsing..

Well.. back to the HELLHOLE


Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Tuesday Blues

So today is a Manic Tuesday. I know it's supposed to be Manic Monday.. but, it definitely defines Tuesday.. or for that matter any day that isn't Friday.. I decided to give this a shot because my friend is actually a faithful blogger and well.. it's a damn good way to get shit out in the air.... So yesterday was Game 4 of the division series for the Yankees.. we were facing the Cleveland Idiots.. I mean, Indians.. I must give them some kind of credit because they obviously beat the living crap out of the Yankees.. Another year, another disappointment!! so what else is new.. I'm just hoping that A Rod stays in NY.. I hope they don't fire Joe Torre.. and I hope that Derek Jeter stays looking HOT!!

Well, anyway, I have shitloads of work to do today!! I'm trying to stall cuz I don't wanna break the copy machine..

Oh well, let me get crackin.. post more later!!